1st Eden



Pearl Fifteen, St Ephraim Syriac priest 300AD,

1. Your garments glisten, my brethren, as snow;-and fair is your shining in the likeness of Angels!
2. In the likeness of Angels, ye have come up, beloved,-from Jordan's river, in the armour of the Holy Ghost.
3. The bridal chamber that fails not, my brethren, ye have received:-and the glory of Adam's house to-day ye have put on.
4. The judgment that came of the fruit, was Adam's condemnation:-but for you victory, has arisen this day.
5. Your vesture is shining, and goodly your crowns:-which the Firstborn has bound for you, by the priest's hand this day.
6. Woe in Paradise, did Adam receive:-but you have received, glory this day.
7. The armour of victory, ye put on, my beloved:-in the hour when the priest, invoked the Holy Ghost.

8. The Angels rejoice, men here below exult:-in your feast, my brethren, wherein is no foulness.
9. The good things of Heaven, my brethren, ye have received:-beware of the Evil One, lest he despoil you.
10. The day when He dawned, the Heavenly King:-opens for you His door, and bids you enter Eden.
Crowns that fade not away, are set on your heads:-hymns of praise hourly, let your mouths sing.
12. Adam by means of the fruit, God cast forth in sorrow:-but you He makes glad, in the bride-chamber of joy.
13. Who would not rejoice, in your bridechamber, my brethren?-for the Father with His Son, and the Spirit rejoice in you.
14. Unto you shall the Father, be a wall of strength:-and the Son a Redeemer, and the Spirit a guard.
15. Martyrs by their blood, glorify their crowns:-but you our Redeemer, by His Blood glorifies.
16. Watchers and Angels, joy over the repentant:-they shall joy over you my brethren, that unto them ye are made like.
17. The fruit which Adam, tasted not in Paradise:-this day in your mouths, has been placed with joy.
18. Our Redeemer figured, His Body by the tree:-whereof Adam tasted not, because he had sinned.
19. The Evil One made war, and subdued Adam's house:-through your baptism, my brethren, lo! he is subdued this day.
20. Great is the victory, but to-day you have won:-if so be ye neglect not, you shall not perish, my brethren.
21. Glory to them that are robed, glory to Adam's house!-in the birth that is from the water, let them rejoice and be blessed!
22. Praise to Him Who has robed, His Churches in glory!-glory to Him Who has magnified, the race of Adam's house