

The last of my list of ancient civilizations is that of the virtually unknown ancient culture of the Aroi Sun Kingdom of the Pacific. While the so-called lost continent of Mu sank over 24,000 years ago in a pole shift, the Pacific was later repopulated by a racial mixture of all civilizations, coming from Rama, China, Africa and the Americas.

An advanced island nation, with larger areas of land than are currently in the Pacific, grew up around Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Ancient legends in Polynesia attribute this remarkable civilization to the Aroi Kingdom that existed many thousands of years before the European rediscovery of the Pacific. The Aroi allegedly built many of the megalithic pyramids, platforms, arches, roads and statues throughout the central Pacific.

When some of the more than 400 gravel hills on New Caledonia were excavated in the 1960s, cement columns of lime and shell matter were carbon dated by Yale and the New Caledonia Museum as having been made before 5120 B.C. and 10,950 B.C. These weird cement columns can be found in the southern part of New Caledonia and on the Isle of Pines.

According to the Easter Islanders, the statues of the islands walked or levitated in order to move in a clock-wise spiral around the island. On the island of Pohnpei, the Micronesians claim that the stones of the eleven-square-mile city were levitated into place.

The Polynesians of New Zealand, Easter Island, Hawaii and Tahiti all believe that their ancestors had the ability of flight and would travel through the air from island to island. Was this the Air Atlantis flight that stopped in Malta, Ba'albek, and Rama destined for the remote but popular convention center at Easter Island?


The Lost City of Nan Madol

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A short distance off the coast of the remote Micronesian island of Pohnpei lies one of the greatest archeological mysteries in the world, the Lost City of Nan Madol. Built on an ancient coral reef and covering more than 11 square miles, this ancient city is made up of hundreds of artificial islets, intersected by numerous manmade canals. Even more curious, many of the city’s larger islands are connected by submerged tunnels. First discovered in the early 1800’s by European sailors, this baffling and immense megalithic stone city may contain evidence for the fabled lost continent of Mu.

The mysterious Nan Madol is built entirely out of gigantic magnetized basalt crystals, some weighing as much as fifty tons. In fact, the entire city contains an estimated 250 million tons of the prismatic basalt rock. How this city came into existence, continues to baffle archeologists. Considering that radiocarbon dating and archeological excavations establishes Nan Madol to be as old as 200 BC, any conventional explanation for this massive construction (such as brute force) simply does not work very well. Native mythology suggests that the stones were magically flown...through the air and placed in the city...

The Baalbek Megaliths

In the middle course of the masonry of the outer wall of the Acropolis at Baalbek there are three great stones each measuring 63 ft. long by thirteen feet high by 10ft. thick...No classical scholar has yet been able to explain how three massive cut stones could have been lifted to rest on a substructure 23ft. high. Neither Bechtel nor the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the leading experts on heavy lifting and moving can do that feat today even with the most sophisticated machinery...Even more puzzling is the largest cut-stone known to exist anywhere which is found in the quarry within sight of the Acropolis, about half a mile away...